Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bad Day!

It's only 10 in the A.M. && I can already tell what kinda day it will be. Just one of "those" days...where everything hits me at once. I couldnt get to sleep for shit lastnite. Kept tossing and turning...woke up at like 3ish..then 4ish..for no apparent reason..then when my alarm went off on the phone I soooo keep hitting snooze..Blah.

Almost busted my ass a few times today..still mad icy. Listened to music to try to make me feel better DID NOT work. Math has NEVER been my thing...&& having hella appointments on tues && thurs is fuckin me up. I'm sooooo good in all my other classes...but so far I have missed a damn test and today I had a fuckin quiz she probably went over on thursday..when I missed the damn class to go to a fuckin child support appointment that he didnt even have the nerve to show up for. && To make kmatters worst we have a fuckin TEST on thursday...so now I have to go over && teach myself the shit that is on the fuckin test..&& make up my quiz because my score sucks ass man. I'm not as upset about my test because I wasnt there when she went over the stuff.
But whatever.

I'm about to study or attempt to study for my People's Law class. I already read all the chapters required for the test...so it's just review. Not so bad. I'm super upset right now though...sittin in the library trying hard to type this shit...but It's so fuckin loud with Ghetto ass bitches wearing too much perfume, not ENOUGH makeup...broke down whores in here. I need anger management BAD.
I Promise you I dont know what to say outta my mouth.. I feel sooo tested.

My class is gonna end mad early...because of the quiz which means Imma have a break longer than three hours..Imma fight myself to stay..His mom is probably gonna be late pickin me up as usual && I'm just gonna go off..

Bad Bad BAD day... wooooooo-saaaa

Sorry but I feel alot better now.

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