Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Continuing to have sex with an ex a BAD habit???
Hummmm good question. We all have been guilty of it, at some point in time. Question!!!: Does having sex with an ex in some way or another HINDER your ability to move on?? Could it be compared to quicksand?? If 1 foot is in..your still gonna go down. Is it purely a sexual thing for one and an emotional connection for the other?? Again with the motive..some people use sex an a way to express themselves and seek out emotional connections they otherwise would not recieve. && If you are having sex with an ex..what, other than the title be revoked, nullifies the committment to eachother?? Is that not an easy way to get all caught up in the limbo..the on and off again mess known as break-up to make-up?? How can you successful heal all wounds and move on if your bound to the bed with your SUPPOSED [IN]signifcant other?? && How do you seperate the past from your future??

A friend of mine hit me up the other day asking if it were right that he continue to sleep with his ex girlfriend even though she now has a boyfriend?? Of course anyone who knows me ..knows I completely disagree with it..but hey..it's a matter of your own personal morals. That got me to thinking...how many people are still sleeping with their exes even when they claim to have moved on from them?? && How can you seperate and sever all emotional ties while remaining sexually connected. && For those continuing these escapades while being involved with someone else..how is that fair to the other person?? && If your goin to obviously put that EX before the PRESENT..you may as well just be with the ex and save the PRESENT the heartache right??

&& If it's JUST {S[e]X} why does it have to be done with the ex..and not with someone new?? Could it mislead either party?? Or do you have to approach the situation as if it were a business deal?? And if it is only just sex...do you kiss them in the mouth?? Say I love you, even if you do?? Do they stay over?? Spend the day?? Because if so...I wouldnt say that would fall under the JUST {S[E]X} category.

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