Friday, March 6, 2009

This is a MAN's WORLD!

I wonder, is it because it took so long for women to be granted the rights to vote and we have struggled so hard to be treated equally as men, that we have someone lost the qualities that made us women. I think we are becoming all the things we dislike about the male species trying to prove to them they are no better than we are.

My male bestfriend made the comment that the rising STD rate is a result of "easy" females. I think the lack of morals and repsect for their bodies are some what to blame but not wholey responsible for that. I believe that the way we have been treated, manipulated by other's has provoked us to take on a care-free sometimes care-less persona. Leading us to date more than one person at a time, allowing us to give in to our sexual urges without regard for our sexual health. I blame all the wrongers..the ones who have wronged the women in the past, that made them subject to take on a new outlook on life. Because people refuse to acknowledge how wrong these behaviors are, they have manipulated females forcing them to conform to a males way of living.

I dont think females are dumb, just easily influenced. && I believe we are responsibe for our own behaviors but it's a cause and effect going on. Because they were treated however badly they were, and manipulated, and disrespected at the hands of their significant others,never again wanting to feel that vulnerability, they have taken on a new, sometimes risky, outlook trying to regain power and level the playing field.

In a male dominated society, it's either conform or get eaten alive. After all THIS IS A MAN'S WORLD!

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