Monday, March 30, 2009


It's about damn time, I have put up with way too much shit from everybody, cared more about how others felt when they could give TWO count them TWO fucks about how I feel. I'm DONE with it. So Imma air everything out...RIGHT here..RIGHT fucking NOW.

I use you?? FOR WHAT? I dont ask you to do shit, get me shit or anything like that. You dont buy me anything. Havent paid my bill in like forever so tell me how the fuck I use you?? Tell me your not talking about Kennedy. THe daughter you claim as yours...I dont even call that often and I only ask for what she needs. If that is using you I dont know what to day. Carry it like that if you want. Taking it out on K. I wont call about shit in regards to her.

NO she will NOT be getting blessed on Sat. It was not discussed with me before hand and I dont see the point? For what. I'm over all this seperation of people. Either K will be accepted with all that she comes with or I dont need her acceptance at all. I'm not having 3 seperate ceremonies. I postponed her christianing for YOUR mother because I was asked to, changed the date, time and location, sent out the invites only for the shit to be cancelled over something so fucking petty as to whould be in attendance. Shit is so fuckin selfish. Has anyone taken the time to think of what I am supposed to say to my fuckin family to explain why it's cancelled or what bullshit Imma have to go through explaining that shit to his family. NO. Because as long as YOU get what the fuck you want it's cool. How the fuck can you ruin something that is supposed to be a good thing, something where the intentions are PURE and allow peoples selfish wants and needs to interfere with her baby dedication. It's fucking all or nothing. Not to mention I dont appreciate the fact that YOUR mother has made not one attempt to contact me in regards to the situation since I sent the list of names, The situation could have been addressed between she and I but instead she hasnt communicated with me since. All of it is fucking bullshit and I'm over it.

Because you dont like what I have to say or my attitude you take it out on Kennedy. How immature is that. Either your in her life or your not. Your NOT here for me at all so I dont see how my attitude affects you. You dont have to sit in my face, we dont have to communicate other than when it has to do with her so NOT picking her up yestedday when you said you were going to falls back into the pattern we went throught the first couple times we were beefing. You are able to spereate love from sex but you cant seperate my attitude from your willingness to be in her life?? How backwards is that shit. You wouldnt even have this problem if you were being real and fuckin honest from the goddamn jump. But you werent and your not getting away with it. Just the other day you all talking about how you dont want to be with me right now cause you want to get ya life together..blah blah blah...bullshit. You dont want and wasnt ever gonna be with me and you told P and ya mom && whoever else but me. You fuckin LIAR. You bring all the extra drama on yourself and get mad when someone calls you out on it.

I'm tired of trying to make her happy, tired of trying to please her and do things her way when it benefits me none. Im tired of having such fake and phoneyness in my life and in Kennedy's life as well as around my family. You aitn worth a pot to piss in. Keep all the extra shit to yourself. It's time to Respect me because I'm through with it, dont know how to address me in a manner that is appropriate...shut your mouth and dont talk to me. I'm DONE! Shit is about to get REAL fuckin ugly. Attitude on fuckin MAX! Done being everyones fucking doormat.
I'm DONE. && If you aint like me before you sure as hell aint gonna like me NOW.


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